Express time in Mandarin Chinese ~diǎn ~~fēn is used to express time. 8:00 八点 (bā diǎn) 8:05 八点零五(分) (bā diān líng wǔ fēn) 8:15 八点十五 (分)(bā diǎn shí wǔ fēn) / 八点一刻(bā diǎn yí kè) (eight and a quarter) 8:30 八点三十 (分) (bā diǎn sān shí fēn) / 八点半 (bā diǎn bàn) (eight and half) 8:55 八点五十五 (分)(bā diǎn wǔ shí wǔ fēn) / 差五分九点(chà wǔ fēn jǐu diǎn) (five to nine o'clock) (Check lessons on numbers below) Numbers
Here is an easy chart listing all the pronouns in Chinese
Possessive Pronouns
Plural Pronouns
"的" ("de") is used after an adjectival, to show possessive. For example: "wǒ" means "I". "wǒ de" means "my". Adding "de" at the end of a noun shows possessive. “们” ("mén") is used after a pronoun to indicate the plural form. For example: "wǒ" means "I" . "wǒ mén" means "we".
1. Hello ! Nǐ hǎo
你 好! 2. Hello! Nin hao 您 好- formal 3. Nice to meet you! Hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nǐ 很 高 兴 见 到 你。 4. Good morning . Zǎoshang hǎo 早 上 好。 5. Good afternoon. Xiàwǔ hǎo 下 午 好 。 6. Good evening. Wǎnshàng hǎo 晚 上 好。 |
JoannaExperienced Mandarin Teacher for 13 years. Archives
April 2022